Our vife milestones

Your route to an agile organizational structure: the five milestones

Any successful redesign of an organizational structure begins with a clear roadmap. At Torgo, we take a results-oriented approach. That's why each journey proceeds in five crucial milestones.. 

A shared, precise diagnosis of the current organizational model

In milestone 1, we establish a consensus on the organizational development program.
This consensus is based on two elements:

  1. What are the ambiguities or differing interpretations of the organization's key strategic objectives?
  2. In which dimensions and in which parts of the organization is the structure inherited from the past no longer adapted to the organization's current challenges?

This helps to clarify and build consensus on objectives that are not assigned in a sufficiently clear and substantiated manner, and on structural aspects that are not sufficiently adapted to current challenges.

Guiding posts for the future organizational model

Building on this outcome in milestone 2 we work out possible structural interventions in terms of ideal types. We talk about ideal types (we sometimes call these the “bullshit scenarios”) in the sense that we draw out the most optimal organizational model for different strategic choices. In this way we make clear which organizational consequences are attached to strategic choices, and where the current organizational model falls short.

This step leads to clarification and concretization of both the strategic and structural choices the organization has to make.

Selection and development of a future-proof organizational model

On to milestone 3, in which we continue to make balanced combinations of different strategic considerations. This leads to realistic candidate structural models. Several scenarios come to the table that we weigh against each other for strategic desirability and practical feasibility. We elaborate these with draft objectives and high-level assignment for each unit in the candidate new model. 

From this a well-founded choice can follow for a definite futureproof organizational model.


Defining goals, assignments, decision lines and interactions

When organizational change is announced people rightfully ask many question on what this change will mean for them. They are absolutely right to ask question, and they deserve well-grounded answers. We therefore concretize mission statements for each unit and team and also for each level in the organization (central-decentralized). In this way, we ensure that all goals of all teams are clear and well aligned. The mission statements also describe the unique scope of each team or unit as well as the interactions between teams and different hierarchical levels.

By having these reviewed by, and developed with, employees in the organization, we test and improve the feasibility of implementing the new organizational model.

Governance framework and transition plan

The final piece of any path in organizational design are the mission statements at the governance level (management), and also for the support functions. In the previous milestones, the required support for each operational unit is defined, and this in effect are the design requirements for the supporting processes in the organization. Similar design requirements are edited for the management layers in the organization. We adhere to the subsidiarity principle in organization design: organize the responsibility for the work at the most adequate level in the organization, and certainly do not escalate responsibilities to higher hierarchical levels if they can be taken on just as well (or better) at lower levels in the hierarchy.  

Finally, in milestone 5 we also deliver the implementation plan, which contains the necessary steps to put the axed structural model into practice.

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Our vife milestones

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