KU Leuven - HR team

The KU Leuven HR department provides advice and develops human resources policies, tools and competencies for all 13,000 employees and supports the faculties, departments and services in which they work. The KU Leuven HR team supports the approximately 110 entities within KU Leuven in the areas of recruitment and job matching and job crafting, setting up training and (career) development initiatives, providing advice on feedback, promotion policy and well-being. Through facilitating pathways, they also support faculties, departments and services in their team and organizational development.


The HR team is often involved in carrying out and/or supervising organizational development projects within KU Leuven itself. The translation of this within the own operations of the HR team needs to be concretized and this for the diversity of projects in which they are involved: how do we ensure that the trajectories we facilitate run qualitatively and smoothly and how do we let the various HR roles throughout these trajectories work together in the best possible way.


After creating a shared language and aligning the vision, the different existing processes were divided according to types and scales of organizational development. In co-creation with all members of the team, the current challenges and ways of working were identified and this for the different process types. After this, the desired process was worked out in detail including tools, quality criteria, deliverables and responsibilities of all stakeholders for each step of the process. The process was completed with a transition plan to move from the current operation to the desired operation.

"It was great to have a trusted and experienced partner in Torgo to further optimize our own operations and processes. As an HR team we obviously have a lot of expertise on board, but an external process supervisor and sounding board is really helpful in the exercise of scrutinizing our own processes. Torgo is now also very familiar with the KU Leuven context and their approach, foundation and way of working fits well with our operation. Moreover, there is also the personal click, which is also very important for such processes to succeed."

-- Ann Schillemans, HR Talent & Development-- 

KU Leuven - HR team

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