
Mensura is widely known in our country as the largest external service for prevention and protection at work. For organizations and their employees, they make a decisive contribution to the development and guarantee of good and safe working conditions and the prevention of absenteeism. Mensura's impact goes beyond the shop floor and wider than the legal provisions specific to an external service. Through a proactive approach, Mensura aims for the best possible outcomes in terms of physical and mental well-being, employability and productivity in the workplace.


New trends and challenges manifest themselves among Mensura's clients. The need to adapt the organizational model accordingly is a logical consequence. The objective of the trajectory is to outline a future-proof organizational model, adapted to the renewed strategy of Mensura. This includes a strategic evaluation, the concretization and the implementation preparation in broad dialogue with the Mensura employees.


Torgo works in close partnership with Mensura on all structural components in the future organizational model. Torgo's contribution follows our five milestones method, and is situated at different levels: from the strategic considerations in the structure choices at board level, to the pre-implementation concretization together with the employees who work daily at the heart of operational processes. Through the facilitated combination of design and sounding board groups, there is continuous attention to change management.

“You get results when everyone is there”

 - to make that happen, we worked with Torgo to draw the lines between our strategy and a clear, workable and directional structure for our employees

-- Michel Verdier,
Strategic implementation --

Torgo provided us with valuable insight into how to translate our renewed strategy into an adapted organizational model. They not only take into account our framework, relevant legislation and our strategic ambitions, but also manage to strike a good balance between operational efficiency, flexibility and the exploration of new and related markets or opportunities. This gives us room for long-term growth and further development.

-- Dr. Gretel Schrijvers, CEO Mensura Group --


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